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Children's Sabbath School

Join us each Sabbath as we dive into the Word together and learn more about the best friend you will ever meet - Jesus.  Together we will use the Bible and our Sabbath School lessons as we read about some of the greatest REAL LIFE stories ever told and learn how we can apply the knowledge we gain from these lessons to our own lives today!

All Sabbath School classes are held on Saturday morning beginning at 9:30 AM and ending at 11:00 AM.

Welcome to Sabbath School!
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Beginner Class

Ages 0-3

Class meets in Beginners Sabbath School Classroom

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Kindergarten Class

Ages 4-6

Class meets in Kindergarten Sabbath School Classroom

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Primary Class

Grades 2-4

Class meets in Primary Sabbath School Classroom

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Grades 5-8

Meets in Junior/Earliteen

Sabbath School Classroom

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Youth Class - High School

Class meets in Youth Sabbath School Classroom

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The children's Sabbath School quarterlies are given to them by the Sabbath School teachers. You can also explore them online at GraceLink. Plus, if you have an Apple or Android device, you can download the Sabbath School & PM app and access all the children's quarterlies right from your phone or tablet. Enjoy!

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